custom/plugins/SalvanaPferde2022/src/Resources/views/storefront/page/product-detail/index.html.twig line 1

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  1. {% sw_extends '@Storefront/storefront/page/product-detail/index.html.twig' %}
  2. {% block base_main_inner %}
  3.   {% set fields = page.product.translated.customFields %}
  4.   {% if fields.wn_pdp_headerimage %}
  5.     <div class="detail-motion-image-wrapper">
  6.       {% set motionImageID = fields.wn_pdp_headerimage %}
  7.       {# fetch media as batch - optimized for performance #}
  8.       {% set mediaCollection = searchMedia([motionImageID], context.context) %}
  9.       {# extract single media object #}
  10.       {% set motionImage = mediaCollection.get(motionImageID) %}
  11.       {% sw_thumbnails 'navigation-flyout-teaser-image-thumbnails' with {
  12.         media: motionImage,
  13.         attributes: {
  14.           'class': 'detail-motion-image',
  15.           'alt': (motionImage.alt ?: ''),
  16.           'title': (motionImage.title ?: ''),
  17.           'style': (fields.wn_pdp_headerimage_additional_styles)
  18.         }
  19.       } %}
  20.     </div> 
  21.   {% else %}
  22.     <div class="detail-motion-spacer"></div>
  23.   {% endif %}
  24.   {{ parent() }}
  25. {% endblock %}
  26. {% block page_product_detail_buy %}
  27.  <div class="col-lg-5 product-detail-buy">
  28.    {% block page_product_detail_reviews %}
  29.      {% if page.product.ratingAverage > 0 and shopware.config.detail.showReviews %}
  30.        <p class="product-detail-reviews">
  31.          {% sw_include '@Storefront/storefront/component/review/rating.html.twig' with {
  32.            points: page.product.ratingAverage,
  33.            style: 'text-primary'
  34.          } %}
  35.          <a data-toggle="tab"
  36.             class="product-detail-reviews-link"
  37.             data-offcanvas-tabs="true"
  38.             data-remote-click="true"
  39.             data-remote-click-options='{
  40.                                       "selector": "#review-tab",
  41.                                       "scrollToElement": true
  42.                                   }'
  43.             href="#review-tab-pane"
  44.             aria-controls="review-tab-pane">
  45.            {{ page.product.ratingAverage }} / {{}}
  46.            {{ "detail.reviewLinkText"|trans({'%count%':})|sw_sanitize }}
  47.          </a>
  48.        </p>
  49.      {% endif %}
  50.    {% endblock %}
  51.    <div class="product-detail-list custom-listing-list-wrapper">
  52.      {% if page.product.translated.customFields.wndev_ads_custom_list %}
  53.        {{ page.product.translated.customFields.wndev_ads_custom_list|raw }}
  54.      {% endif %}
  55.    </div>
  56.    {% if page.product.translated.customFields.sal_product_badge1 %}
  57.      <div class="product-badge">
  58.       {% set Badge1ID = page.product.translated.customFields.sal_product_badge1 %}
  59.       {# fetch media as batch - optimized for performance #}
  60.       {% set mediaCollection = searchMedia([Badge1ID], context.context) %}
  61.       {# extract single media object #}
  62.       {% set Badge1 = mediaCollection.get(Badge1ID) %}
  63.       {% sw_thumbnails 'vlog-badge-listing' with {
  64.         media: Badge1,
  65.         attributes: {
  66.           'class': 'vlog-badge-image',
  67.           'alt': (Badge1.alt ?: ''),
  68.           'title': (Badge1.title ?: ''),
  69.           'data-object-fit': 'cover',
  70.           'height':'55',
  71.           'width':'83'
  72.         }
  73.       } %}
  74.   </div>
  75. {% endif %}
  76.    {% sw_include '@Storefront/storefront/page/product-detail/buy-widget.html.twig' %}
  77.    <div class="bl-suche">
  78.    <h3>Persönliche Beratung</h3>
  79.    <p>Hier finden Sie Ihren persönlichen Ansprechpartner:</p>
  80.     {% sw_include '@Storefront/storefront/component/bl-suche.html.twig' %}
  81.    </div>
  82.  </div>
  83. {% endblock %}
  84. {% block page_product_detail_breadcrumb %}
  85.   <div class="breadcrumb product-breadcrumb container" itemscope itemtype="">
  86.     {% sw_include '@Storefront/storefront/component/product/breadcrumb.html.twig' with {
  87.       navigationTree: page.header.navigation.tree,
  88.       categoryTree: page.product.categoryTree|last,
  89.       product: page.product
  90.     } only %}
  91.     <div class="breadcrumb-placeholder">
  92.       {% sw_icon 'arrow-medium-right' style { 'size': 'fluid', 'pack': 'solid'} %}
  93.     </div>
  94.     <div itemprop="itemListElement" itemscope
  95.          itemtype="">
  96.       <span itemprop="name" class="is--active">{{ }}</span>
  97.     </div>
  98.   </div>
  99. {% endblock %}